Club News and Activities

Creating Lasting Legacies

  • April 2025
  • By Verandah View

The VCA Bench Sponsorship Program provides a meaningful way to honor the legacy of a special person or loved one, recognize a special achievement/milestone, express appreciation or remember a special event, while contributing to the beauty and quality of life in Verandah.

Already over twenty homeowners have donated to fund a commemorative bench. In February our maintenance team completed installation of four benches along Verandah Boulevard. We hope you relax and enjoy the beauty.

Several sites along the Boulevard remain available for additional benches. The commemorative benches are a maximum of six feet long, composed of recycled materials, are installed on a concrete pad, and showcase the donor’s or donors’ approved plaque inscription. The ongoing maintenance (e.g., power washing, minor repairs, etc.) is performed by the VCA.

The Bench Sponsorship Program is a community initiative aimed at commemorating individuals or honoring achievements through the funding of improvements to our green spaces. Our donors hope you enjoy these benches.