In the spring of 2022, the VCA used an electronic speed monitor in four different locations on Verandah Boulevard to learn more about vehicles speeds. Verandah Boulevard is a private street and the posted speed limit is 25 MPH. The device documented that 20% of all vehicles were traveling over 30 MPH with top speeds reaching 62 MPH.
To increase compliance with posted speeds communities like Verandah use safe pace devices that document vehicle speeds and tell drivers the speed of their vehicle. As you have seen, two have an animation feature. We hope many of you are getting a “thumbs up” as you pass by them. This means you are complying with the Verandah Boulevard speed limit.
Compliance with our speed limit is important
• Speed is a major contributor to crashes and injuries – There is substantial national and Florida data that documents the faster a vehicle is moving the greater likelihood that a crash and injury will occur.
• Relationship between vehicle speed, injury, and death – USDOT reports that when vehicle speed increases from 25 MPH to 30 MPH the risk of severe injury for a pedestrian or bicyclist increases from 25% to 50%. At 40 MPH it increases to 75%. The risk of severe injury for 70-year-old pedestrians decreases from 81% to 57% when the speeds at impact are decreased from 33.5 to 26 MPH.
• Over 25 MPH is speeding in Verandah – Florida law does not have a designated “buffer zone” where a small amount over the speed limit is considered acceptable. Police do pull over drivers for exceeding the speed limit by a very small amount.
Early results show the devices are working
As drivers in Verandah see the speed they are traveling when they pass the devices they are driving slower. In the spring of 2022, 20% of all vehicles on Verandah Boulevard were traveling over 30 MPH. In November 2024 the number of vehicles passing Shady Bend (toward River Village) that were going over 30 MPH declined to 16% and 10% were going over 30 MPH passing Heritage Preserve (toward River Village). Together, we are slowly making Verandah a safer place for pedestrians and bicyclists. But, despite our progress,
We still, however, have work to do as we continue to have at least 6,500 vehicles a month traveling over 30 MPH! The posted speed limit on Verandah Boulevard is 25 MPH. If you live in the middle of the community and drive the speed limit to one of the gate, it will take you 4-minutes. If you go 30 MPH you “shave off” 30 seconds. For your safety and those around you please observe Verandah’s posted speed limits. We hope you get a thumbs up every time you pass one of these devices.
Verandah’s Traffic and Safety Committee will continue reporting to the community our progress
I know I drive a little too fast sometimes. I am really surprised that just a few MPH over the speed limit can have such a huge impact on pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
Verandah resident